Top 10 Richest Gamers In The World (2022)

The richest gamer in the world should probably be Bill Gates because he owns Xbox, but that will probably not count because he is not a real player who actually earns his bread by taking part in virtual games and winning prizes. That is the domain of the hardcore gamers; the guys who through dedication and sheer love for the sport have developed their gaming skills beyond belief.

Believe it or not, these guys have also made a fortune in the process. In fact, the guys on this list have on average made more money than most people could ever hope to make after 30 years on a nine-to-five job. Some of them have become big celebrities whose faces are courted by big gaming companies; the endorsement deals are not cheap either. 

Richest Gamers in the World

1. Tyler “Ninja” Blevins 

Net worth— $30 Million

His nickname “Ninja” probably tells you what you need to know about this guy. He is an iconic gamer; loved and feared in the gaming community. He has the beautiful, but also efficient skills that put down his opponents in the Ninja style. He rose to fame through his performances in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and consistently replicated his Ninja moves in other games as well.

However, much can be argued against Ninja because the bulk of his money comes from streaming rather than actually winning the tournaments. However, if he didn’t have the skills that people would want to see, he would have become so rich and famous.

2. Johan “N0tail” Sundstein

Net worth – $7.8 Million

Anybody who knows Dota 2 probably knows N0tail. He is probably the greatest player to have graced that platform. N0tail has proven his worth as the captain of the only professional Dota 2 team to have ever won the tournament twice. He won it back to back. 

N0tail is therefore a winner of one of the most prestigious esports tournaments. N0tails is also one of the few players in Dota 2 who have won multiple Valve Majors. N0tails has 4 of those honors to his name.

He is also a co-founder of OG, which also makes him a big deal as a gamer.

3. Jesse “JerAx” Vainikka 

Net worth — $6.4 Million

JerAx comes from Finland. He is a teammate of N0tail in OG for the better part of the past three years. JerAx is proof that it pays to be the best at whatever you do; he is considered to be the best position 4 player in Dota 2. 

He was once a part of Team Liquid before he clanned up with OG- a move that has turned out to be a brilliant one. JerAx has sealed his position among the greats as an important part of many of OG’s successful tournament wins. He has the moves; and his favorite heroes are Earth Spirit, Tusk, and Rubick, although he is bold, and he is not restricted to any of these.

4. Anathan “Ana” Pham

Net worth — $6 Million

Anathan Pham is one of the young guns on this list; he is in his early 20s. Nevertheless, he is one of the fearsomely talented gamers; one who you would rather have on your side, than playing against you. he started playing in a local game house, before teaming up with a Chinese crew and then getting spotted by OG. He quickly adapted to the demands of the highest level of the game, and now the rest is history.

He seems better when he is fresh out of a hiatus. For example, he was a last-minute lineup for OG when they took part in The International 2018, and he destroyed the opposition. He repeated the tactic prior to The International 2019, and he helped the team win again; back to back.

5. Sébastien “Ceb” Debs

Net worth — $5.4 Million

Ceb makes sure that OG team members dominate this list; he too is worth over 5 million dollars, and he is mercurially skillful. He is a full-of-ideas kind of person that likes to approach the game differently. His recent successes have proven that his ideas can bring results and that he can go all the way to become one of the best to have ever taken part in esports.

Ceb has been around the other teams, in fact, he was even a commentator for some time, however, it was when he landed at OG that he has really shone.

6. Topias “Topson” Taavitsainen 

Net worth— $5.4 Million

Topias “Topson” is the only player to have won every The International he has played in. Yes, he has been a big part of OG’s recent victories, but he has also won with other teams before. He has the moves; which is one thing that makes him exceptional compared to the other players. He knows how to read the game, and can turn a defensive situation into an all-out attack in a matter of moments.

He has been a great asset to OG, and he has earned every penny in his bank account today. “Topson” is one of the few players who can easily land a coaching job at any moment, because of his wealth of experience.

7. Kuro “KuroKy” Salehi Takhasomi 

Net worth— $5.1 Million

Kuroky has been a professional gamer since he was 16. He has consistently proven that he deserves the legendary status and acclaim that others ahead have been given. He is flexible and has shown his capabilities with several teams.  It is therefore no surprise that he is one of the richest gamers in the world.

Kuroky was captain of the young Team Liquid, and he guided them to win at The International 2017. He mounted a great title defense, although it was not a successful one. After that, he led Team Liquid to The Internationals again in 2019 where they fought valiantly, but only lost to OG in the Grand Finals.

8.  Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi 

Net worth— $4.7 Million

Miracle is one of the richest gamers in the world, but he is far from his highest because these are yet early days for his potential. Miracle has been a friend of KuroKy for a long time, and he has a similar story of having to prove himself along with the ranks. He was a pub star but then his talents attracted the attention of bigger players which is how he joined forces with OG and Team Liquid. When he was with OG, he won two Valve Majors, which gives them bragging rights.

With Team Liquid he won the tournament in 2017 and lost the grand finals to OG in 2019. 

9. Ivan “MinD_ContRoL” Ivanov

Net worth — $4.5 Million

Ivan Ivanov is one of the richest gamers in the world with good reason. He is one of the best, and on a good day he can tear the opposition apart. He is very good at using the environment to his tactical advantage, and that is one thaing that makes him unique.

He has been a friend and ally of KuroKy since 2015 and has been just as successful as Kuroky.

10. Maroun “GH” Merhej 

Net worth — $4.1 Million

GH has proved himself a warrior. No one can doubt his mettle as a player. You certainly cannot doubt his net worth; 4 Million is a modest figure, and he is sure to accumulate more shortly. He rose to fame and money when he joined Team Liquid in late 2016. He is therefore a big part of Team Liquid’s success.

He was with Team Liquid when they won The International in 2017, and when they lost the final in 2019.



The richest gamers in the world are also the most skillful gamers in the world. It takes an insane amount of talent to conquer the world of gaming; something that is usually rigged to be difficult. Whereas, there are plenty of other talents to struggle against if you are going to win anything. These are dedicated geeks who sit in front of their screens all day and have no lives outside gaming. Having given gaming their full attention, it is only natural that they make some money for their effort. 

Many of these gamers have a principle that says that just about anyone can achieve what they want as long as they are focused on the things that they are doing.

On the top 10 richest gamers in the world, Per time and per game, we have gamers with a lot of fans, income, and investment, all these are their inherent skill in the field, they are able to make a land sliding success in their carrier and has embossed their name on the sand of time as a result of their string and fierce achievements I the gaming world and also much assets fixed, movable, and investment has been traced to these fellows which they prove to be the highest in their respective countries and also top the list in the whole of the universe. Their life and show of affluence have increased per time, their skill also which invariably has a considerable effect on their income and total net worth.